Join our worldwide community of pregnant women and new moms. The same way as it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to support a pregnant woman.
Our course offerings guide and support you through your pregnancy and empower you to transition into motherhood calmly, confidently and feeling in control.
We work with hand picked professionals from around the world, who we call into our courses, webinars or meetings to support you in your journey with all matters that may be relevant for you at any given time.
The journey of a new dad is often a quite one.
We not only provide dads with the opportunity to join classes with their female partners so that they gather a good understanding about the massive impact pregnancy has on women emotionally and physically. But we also provide dad's to be with their exclusive space to find answers to their own questions without feeling judged, make new friends and support each other.
Which mother is not confused with all the products that are around there to choose from?
Well, here's a way to make your choice easier.
This is a space where you can find products that we have used ourselves and recommend to our community of pregnant women and new moms.
Enjoy the shopping spree ;-)
"Shirley is an amazing coach. She listens, she observes, she rewrites women’s narratives in a whole new positive key. Her holistic approach is structured, honest and easy to follow. Through active listening, coaching and support, Shirley empowers not just the mother, but her entire social ecosystem and prepares them to confidently walk into a whole new and exciting chapter of life."
"Mindset For Success - For Dads program has proven to be quite instrumental in my journey of self improvement and wellness. What I really appreciate about this program was the tailored approach. While there is a fundamental structure to the program, Shirley ensures that your individual challenges/concerns/needs are addressed. Another positive about this program are the practical aspects. Exercises and lessons throughout this program is readily applicable in real life. I was fortunate enough to have real-time results during one of my coaching sessions. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking to start or who is already started their journey of knowing who they are and unlocking their true potential.
Thanks again Shirley!."
Marvin Grinion
Father of two children
This is the ONLY hospital bag checklist that will prepare you, baby and birth partner for any type of childbirth!